• (507) 765 – 3845
  • info@isd2198.k12.mn.us

Ms. Nelson

Contact: Ms. Nelson

4th Grade SpellingStudents will be using their spelling words over a two-week period. During the first week, your child will be given a pretest, which will allow us to place him/her in the list most appropriate for their level. For the remainder of the week and into the second week, we will do many activities including using our words in our writing. The test will be on the second Friday. Your child should be practicing the highlighted list including the high frequency words at the bottom. All lists study the same skill of the week. These are fluid groups, meaning your child may not always be in the same color group,

Mrs. Burns & Ms. Nelson


Internet sites for my students

Here are some helpful sites for our different classes. I hope you enjoy them and find them helpful!!

Favorite Series

There are websites for some of our favorite reading series.


Here you will find links to games for practicing various math skills. There are also links to print off practice sheets for all operations.

math concepts, will start you at 4th grade content

This has 3 levels to practice counting money and giving change.

A great place to print worksheets to practice your math skills.

It makes flash cards for all operations for any set of numbers that needs more practice.

good games to practice math problems

Multiple money games to practice different skills.

Math Games

many different FUN math games to choose from

There is a game for most math concepts.

It has excellent games and works on skills that student needs. 

It gives fraction help both visually and with games.

It makes worksheets at multiple levels and in different concepts.


There are practice sites for comprehension, reading, and language arts.

This works on comprehension at your level.

You can practice nouns, verbs, adjectives, comma, and capitals


All Science

Earth: Rocks, minerals, recycling, layers, etc.


This has fun science games to explore that we learned this year in matter, electricity, magnets, and health along with past and future concepts.

Human Body



Fourth Grade

● $25 Fourth Grade Supply Fee
● Headphones
● Girls: 2 kleenex boxes
● Boys: container of disinfecting wipes
● Optional: water bottle with no leak top, paper towels

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